Vincenzo (KatolaZ) Nicosia
Lecturer in Networks and Data Analysis
"Study hard what interests you the most, in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible"
(Richard P. Feynman)
"Nature does not know anything about disciplines, subjects, or the difference between mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and sociology"

Submitted papers and preprints
  1. S. Rognone, V. Nicosia "Emerging motifs in spatial graph colourings" in preparation
  2. M. Bonaventura, V. Latora, V. Nicosia, P. Panzarasa, "The advantages of interdisciplinarity in modern science", (Abstract Arxiv)
  1. Vito Latora, Vincenzo Nicosia, Giovanni Russo "Complex Networks - Principles, Methods and Applications", Cambridge University Press, in press, (2017) ISBN: 9781107103184 (Link to Cambridge University Press) (Link to the accompanying website)
Edited books
  1. Santo Fortunato, Ronaldo Menezes, Giuseppe Mangioni and Vincenzo Nicosia (Eds) "Complex Networks", Proceedings of CompleNet 2009, International Workshop on Complex Networks, Catania, Italy, May 26-27, 2009. Springer's series Studies in Computational Intelligence.
Book chapters
  1. J. Tang, I. Leontiadis, S. Scellato, V. Nicosia, C. Mascolo, M. Musolesi, V. Latora "Applications of Temporal Graph Metrics to Real-World Networks", in Petter Holme and Jari Saramaki (Editors). Temporal Networks. Springer. 135-159, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36461-7_7 (2013) (Abstract - Springer) (PDF - Arxiv)
  2. V. Nicosia, J. Tang, C. Mascolo, M. Musolesi, G. Russo, V. Latora "Graph metrics for temporal networks", in Petter Holme and Jari Saramaki (Editors). Temporal Networks. Springer. 15-40, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36461-7_2 (2013) (Abstract - Springer) (PDF - Arxiv)
Papers in international journals
  1. M. J. Haughey, A. Bassolas, S. Sousa, A.-M. Baker, T. A. Graham, V.Nicosia, W. Huang "First passage time analysis of spatial mutation patterns reveals sub-clonal evolutionary dynamics in colorectal cancer" PLoS Comp. Bio. 19(3) e1010952 (2023). (Abstract and Paper PLoS Comp. Bio) (Abstract BioRxiv)
  2. A. Bassolas, A. Eriksson, A. Marot, M. Rosvall, V. Nicosia "Mapping non-local relationships between metadata and network structure with metadata-dependent encoding of random walks" Sci. Adv. 8 (43), eabn7558 (2022). (Abstract and Paper Science Advances) (Abstract Arxiv)
  3. S. Sousa, V. Nicosia "Quantifying ethnic segregation in cities through random walks" Nat. Commun. 13, 5809 (2022) (Abstract and Paper Nature Communication) (Abstract Arxiv)
  4. A. Bassolas, A. Santoro, S. Sousa, S. Rognone, V. Nicosia "Optimising the mitigation of epidemic spreading through targeted adoption of contact tracing apps" Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023092 (2022). (Abstract and paper APS) (Abstract Arxiv)
  5. J. Aguilar, A. Bassolas, G. Ghoshal, S. Hazarie, A. Kirkley, M. Mazzoli, S. Meloni, S. Mimar, V. Nicosia, J. J. Ramasco, A. Sadilek "Impact of urban structure on infectious disease spreading", Sci.Rep. 12, 3816 (2022). (Abstract and paper Scientific Report) (Abstract Arxiv)
  6. A. Bassolas, V. Nicosia "First-passage times to quantify and compare structural correlations and heterogeneity in complex systems" Commun. Phys 4, 76 (2021). (Abstract CommPhys) (Abstract Arxiv)
  7. A. Bassolas, S. Sousa, V. Nicosia "Diffusion segregation and the disproportionate incidence of COVID-19 in African American communities", J. R. Soc. Interface 2020.0961 (2021) (Abstract and paper Interface) (Abstract Arxiv) (Abstract Medrxiv)
  8. A. Santoro, V. Nicosia "Optimal percolation in correlated multilayer networks with overlap", Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 033122 (2020) (Abstract APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  9. A. Santoro, V. Nicosia, "Algorithmic complexity of multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. X 10, 021069 (2020) (Abstract APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  10. D. Fano Yela, F. Thalmann, V. Nicosia, D. Stowell, M. Sandler "Efficient on-line computation of visibility graphs", Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023069 (2020) (Abstract APS) (PDF - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  11. R. Flanagan, L. Lacasa, V. Nicosia, "On the spectral properties of Feigenbaum graphs", Journal of Physics A, 53, 025702 (2019) (Abstract IOP) (PDF - Arxiv)
  12. A. Santoro, V. Latora, G, Nicosia, V, Nicosia "Pareto optimality in multilayer network growth", Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 128302 (2018) (Abstract APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  13. L. Lacasa, I. Perez-Marino, J. Miguez, V. Nicosia, E. Roldan, A. Lisica, S. W. Grill J. Gomez-Gardenes "Multiplex decomposition of non-Markovian dynamics and the hidden layer reconstruction problem", Phys. Rev. X 8, 031038 (2018) (Abstract APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  14. Vanesa Avalos-Gaytán, Juan A. Almendral, I. Leyva, F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, S. Boccaletti "Emergent explosive synchronization in adaptive complex networks", Phys. Rev. E 97, 042301 (2018) (Abstract APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  15. N. Musmeci, V. Nicosia, T. Aste, T. Di Matteo, V. Latora "The multiplex dependency structure of financial markets", Complexity Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 9586064, doi:10.1155/2017/9586064 (2017) (Abstract Complexity) (PDF - Arxiv)
  16. S. Ellwood*, C. Newman*, R. Montgomery*, V. Nicosia*, C. Buesching, A. Markham, C. Mascolo, N. Trigoni, B. Pasztor, V. Dyo, V. Latora, D. McDonald "An Active Radio Frequency Identification system capable of identifying co-locations and social-structure: validation with a wild free-ranging animal", Methods Ecol. Evol. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12839 (2017) (Abstract+PDF - Methods Ecol. Evol.)
  17. F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, M. San Miguel "Layered social influence promotes multicultirality in the Axelrod model", Sci. Rep. 7, 1809, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02040-4 (2017) (Abstract - Sci. Rep.) (PDF - Arxiv)
  18. V. Nicosia*, P. S. Skardal*, V. Latora, A. Arenas "Collective Phenomena Emerging from the Interactions between Dynamical Processes in Multiplex Networks", Phys. Rev. Lett 118, 138302 (2017) (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  19. F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora "The new challenges of multiplex networks: measures and models", EPJ Special Topics 226(3), 401-416 (2017). (Abstract - EPJST) (PDF - Arxiv)
  20. F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, M. Chavez, V. Latora "Multilayer motif analysis of brain networks", Chaos 27, 047404 (2017) (Abstract - Chaos) (PDF - Arxiv)(Top 10 Chaos most downloaded papers 2017)
  21. F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, "Efficient exploration of multiplex networks", New J. Phys. 18(4), 043035 (2016). (Abstract - NJP) (PDF - Arxiv)
  22. A. Fiasconaro, E. Strano, V. Nicosia, S. Porta, V. Latora "Spatio-temporal analysis of micro economic activities in Rome reveals patterns of mixed-use urban evolution", PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151681 (2016). (Abstract - PLoS ONE) (PDF - Arxiv)
  23. V. Ciotti, M. Bonaventura, V. Nicosia, P. Panzarasa, V. Latora, "Homophily and missing links in citation networks", EPJ Data Science 5:7 doi:10.1140/epjds/s13688-016-0068-2 (2016) (Abstract - EPJ DS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  24. F. Battiston, A. Cairoli, V. Nicosia, A. Baule, V. Latora "Interplay between consensus and coherence in a model of interacting opinions", Physica D 323-324, 12 (2015) (Abstract - Physica D) (PDF - Arxiv)
  25. M. Diakonova, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, M. San Miguel "Irreducibility of multilayer network dynamics: the case of the voter model", New J. Phys. 18, 023010 (2016). (Abstract - NJP) (PDF - Arxiv) (IOP Highlights 2016)
  26. F. Battiston, J. Iacovacci, V. Nicosia, G. Bianconi, V. Latora "Emergence of multiplex communities in collaboration networks", PLoS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147451 (2016) (Abstract - PLoS ONE) (PDF - Arxiv)
  27. L. Lacasa, V. Nicosia, V. Latora "Network structure of multivariate time series", Sci. Rep. vol 5, 15508, doi:10.1038/srep15508 (2015) (Abstract - Sci. Rep.) (PDF - Arxiv)
  28. V. Nicosia, V. Latora "Measuring and modelling correlations in multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. E 92, 032805 (2015). (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  29. A. Fiasconaro, M. Tumminello, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, R. N. Mantegna, "Hybrid recommendation methods in complex networks", Phys. Rev. E 92, 012811 (2015) (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  30. M. De Domenico*, V. Nicosia*, A. Arenas, V. Latora "Structural reducibility of multilayer networks", Nat. Commun. 6, 6864 (2015) (Abstract - Nat. Comm.) (PDF - Arxiv preprint)
  31. A. Cardillo, G. Petri, V. Nicosia, R. Sinatra, J. Gomez-Gardenes, V. Latora "Evolutionary dynamics of time-resolved social interactions", Phys. Rev. E 90, 052825 (2014) (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  32. V. Nicosia, G. Bianconi, V. Latora, M. Barthelemy "Non-linear growth and condensation in multiplex networks ", Phys. Rev. E 90, 042807 (2014) (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  33. V. Nicosia, M. De Domenico, V. Latora "Characteristic exponents of complex networks", EPL - Europhysics Letters 106, 58005 (2014) (EPL - Abstract) (PDF - Arxiv)
  34. F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora "Structural measures for multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. E 89, 032804 (2014). (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  35. M. Cavallaro, D. Asprone, V. Latora, G. Manfredi, V. Nicosia "Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Resilience through Hybrid Social–Physical Complex Networks", Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 29 (8), 608-625 (2014). (Abstract - CACAIE) (PDF - Arxiv)
  36. M. Bonaventura, V. Nicosia, V. Latora "Characteristic times of biased random walks on complex networks", Phys. Rev. E 89, 012803 (2014) (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  37. F. De Vico Fallani, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, M. Chavez "Non-parametric resampling of random walks for spectral network clustering", Phys. Rev. E, 89, 012802 (2014) (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  38. V. Nicosia, T. Machida, R. Wilson, E. Hancock, N. Konno, V. Latora, S. Severini "Co-evolution of networks and quantum dynamics: a generalization of preferential attachment", J. Stat. Mech., P08016 (2013), doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2013/08/P08016 (Abstract - JSTAT) (PDF - Arxiv)
  39. V. Nicosia, G. Bianconi, V. Latora, M. Barthelemy "Growing multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 058701 (2013). (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  40. C. Brown, V. Nicosia, S. Scellato, A. Noulas, C. Mascolo "Social and place-focused communities in location-based online social networks", Eur. Phys. J. B 86 (6), 290 (2013). (Abstract - EPJB) (PDF - Arxiv)
  41. V. Nicosia, M. Valencia, M. Chavez, A. Diaz-Guilera, V. Latora "Remote synchronization reveals network symmetries and functional modules", Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 174102 (2013). (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  42. V. Nicosia*, P. Vertes*, W. Schafer, V. Latora, E. Bullmore "Phase transition in the economically modeled growth of a cellular nervous system", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110 (19), 7880-7885, doi:10.1073/pnas.1300753110 (2013). (Abstract - PNAS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  43. J. Gomez-Gardenes*, V. Nicosia*, R. Sinatra, V. Latora "Motion-induced synchronization in metapopulations of mobile agents", Phys. Rev. E 87, 032814 (2013). (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  44. V. Latora, V. Nicosia, P. Panzarasa "Social cohesion, structural holes, and a tale of two measures",
  45. J. Stat. Phys. 151 (3-4), 745 doi:10.1007/s10955-013-0722-z (2013). (Abstract - JSP) (PDF - Arxiv)
  46. V. Nicosia, J. Tang, M. Musolesi, C. Mascolo, G. Russo, V. Latora "Components in time-varying graphs", Chaos, vol 22, 2, 023101 doi:10.1063/1.3697996 (2012). (Abstract - Chaos) (PDF - Final) (PDF - Arxiv)
  47. E. Strano, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, S. Porta, M. Barthelemy "Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks", Scientific Reports, vol 2, 296, doi:10.1038/srep00296 (2012). (Abstract - SciRep) (PDF - SciRep)
  48. V. Nicosia, R. Criado, M. Romance, G. Russo, V. Latora "Controlling centrality in complex networks", Scientific Reports, , vol. 2, 218, doi:10.1038/srep00218 (2012). (Abstract - SciRep) (PDF - SciRep)
  49. V. Nicosia, F. Bagnoli, V. Latora "Impact of network structure on a model of diffusion and competitive interaction", EPL - Europhysics Letters, vol. 94, 68009, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/94/68009 (2011). (Abstract - EPL) (PDF - Arxiv)
  50. R. Sinatra, J. Gomez-Gardenes, R. Lambiotte, V. Nicosia, V. Latora "Maximal-entropy random walks in complex networks with limited information", Phys. Rev. E , 83, 030103R doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.030103 (2011). (Abstract - APS) (PDF - Arxiv)
  51. F. De Vico Fallani*, V. Nicosia*, R. Sinatra*, L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, C. Wilke, A. Doud, V. Latora, B. He, F. Babiloni "Defecting or not defecting: how to ''read'' human behavior during cooperative games by EEG measurements", PLoS ONE, vol. 5, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0014187 (2010). (Abstract - PLoS ONE)(PDF -PLoS ONE)
  52. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia "An Adaptive Overlay Network Inspired by Social Behaviour", J. Parallel Distr. Com., vol. 70, p. 282-295, doi: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2009.05.004 (2009). (Abstract - JPDC)
  53. V. Nicosia, G. Mangioni. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri "Extending the definition of modularity to directed graphs with overlapping communities", J. Stat. Mech., vol. 3, P03024, doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/03/P03024 (2009). (Abstract - JSTAT) (PDF - Arxiv)
  54. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni G, V. Nicosia "Emerging structures of P2P networks induced by social relationships", Computer Communications, vol. 31, p. 620-628, doi: 10.1016/j.comcom.2007.08.016 (2008).
  55. V. Carchiolo, A. Longheu, M. Malgeri. G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia "The Dilemma of Trust: a Social Network Based Approach". Scalable Computing. Practice And Experience, vol. 9, p. 29-37, (2008).
  56. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia "Fast Intormation Retrieval in a Self/Organizsing Peer-to-Peer Network". Journal Of Computers, vol. 2, p. 75-81, (2007).
Conference proceedings
  1. D. Asprone, M. Cavallaro, V. Latora, G. Manfredi, V. Nicosia. "Urban network resilience analysis in case of earthquakes", In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability ICOSSAR'13, New York, USA (2013).
  2. D. Karamshuk, A. Noulas, S. Scellato, V. Nicosia, C. Mascolo. "Geo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement." In Proceedings of 19th ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD2013, Chicago USA. (2013).
  3. C. Brown, V. Nicosia, S. Scellato, A. Noulas, and C. Mascolo. ``The importance of being placefriends: Discovering location-focused online communities''. In Proceedings of ACM WOSN '12, Helsinki, Finland (2012).
  4. C. Brown, V. Nicosia, S. Scellato, T. Noulas, C. Mascolo. "Where Online Friends Meet: Social Communities in Location-based Networks", In Proceedings of the 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, ICWSM 2012. Dublin, Ireland (2012).
  5. L. Fichera, D. Marletta, V. Nicosia, C. Santoro. "Flexible Robot Strategy Design Using Belief-Desire-Intention Model" In Proceedings of Eurobot 2010 International Conference, EUROBOT2010. Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, May 27-30 (2010).
  6. L. Fichera, D. Marletta, V. Nicosia V, C. Santoro. "A Methodology to Extend Imperative Languages with AgentSpeak Declarative Constructs". In Proceedings of 11th Workshop nazionale "Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti", WOA 2010. Rimini, September 5-7, 2010. vol. 621, (2010).
  7. J. Tang, M. Musolesi, C. Mascolo, V. Latora, V. Nicosia. "Analysing Information Flows and Key Mediators through Temporal Centrality Metrics". In Proceedings of 3rd ACM Workshop on Social Network Systems 2010. ACM (2010).
  8. R. Massari, V. Nicosia, C. Santoro. "Path Planning of a Mobile Robot in a Tight Constrained Environment: the "Eurobot 2010" UNICT-TEAM Experience". In: Proceedings of the 4th italian workshop on Planning and Scheduling - PlanSIG 2010. Brescia, 1-3 December 2010, vol. 1, GLASGOW:PlanSIG Group (2010).
  9. V. Carchiolo, A. Longheu, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "Adaptive E-Learning: an architecture based on PROSA P2P network". In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - New Frontiers in Applied Artificial Intelligence. vol. 5027/2008, p. 777-786, ISBN: 978-3-540-69045-0, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-69052-8_81 (2008).
  10. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "PROSA: P2P Resource Organisation by Social Acquaintances". In: Lecture Notes on Computer Science - Agents and peer-to-peer computing. Japan, 2006, vol. 4461/2008, p. 135-142, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-79704-3, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-79705-0 (2008).
  11. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia . "Using genetic algorithms to discover overlapping communities in complex networks". In: Proceedings of 10th Experimental Chaos Conference. Chaos conference, Catania, (2008).
  12. V. Carchiolo, A. Longheu, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "An approach to trust based on social networks". In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Web Information Systems Engineering WISE 2007. vol. 4831/2007, p. 50-61, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-76992-7, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-76993-4_5 (2007).
  13. V. Carchiolo, A. Longheu, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "Applying social behaviours to model trusting". In: Advances in Intelligent and Distributed Computing, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Intelligent and Distributed Computing (IDC 2007). vol. 78, p. 105-114, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-74929-5 (2007).
  14. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "Efficient searching and retrieval of documents in PROSA". In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing. vol. 4125/2007, p. 298-309, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-71660-0, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-71661-7_29 (2007).
  15. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "On robustness and self-adaptiveness of a socially inspired P2P network". In: Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences. Ankara, Turkey, p. 1-6, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1363-8, doi: 10.1109/ISCIS.2007.4456882 (2007).
  16. M. Fargetta, V. Nicosia. "The agreement Utopia". In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2007). Paris, p. 308-313, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-2879-1, doi: 10.1109/WETICE.2007.175 (2007).
  17. V. Nicosia. "Towards Hard Real-time Erlang". In: Proceedings of the 2007 SIGPLAN workshop on ERLANG Workshop. Freiburg, Germany, p. 29-36, New York:ACM, ISBN: 978-1-59593-675-2 (2007).
  18. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "Evaluating the dynamic behaviour of PROSA P2P network". In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications. vol. 4330/2006, p. 904-915, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-68067-3, doi: 10.1007/11946441_81 (2006).
  19. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "Exploiting social network dynamics for P2P resource organisation". In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS 2006. vol. 4263/2006, p. 726-734, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-47242-1, doi: 10.1007/11902140_76 (2006).
  20. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V. Nicosia. "Self-Organisation of resources in PROSA P2P Network". In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Self-Managed Networks, Systems, and Services. Dublin, 2006, vol. 3996/2006, p. 171-174, HEIDELBERG:SPRINGER, ISBN: 978-3-540-34739-2, doi: 10.1007/11767886_13 (2006).
  21. V. Carchiolo, M. Malgeri, G. Mangioni, V.Nicosia. "Social behaviours applied to P2P systems: an efficient algorithm for resources organisation". In: 15th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE'06). Manchester, UK, June 2006, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-2623-3, doi: 10.1109/WETICE.2006.61 (2006).
  22. V. Nicosia, C. Santoro, C. Spampinato. ":Software Agents for Autonomous Robots:the Eurobot 2006 Experience". In: Proceedings of the 12th Erlang User Conference. STOCKHOLM:Ericsson (2006).