How to set up Sheep and Classi on Windows A very short incomplete instruction: [Written by Jan Aman, with addenda by Malcolm MacCallum] Install Cygwin [from] on your Windows computer. You will need quite a lot of the stuff including svn, make and probably ssh. [A full list of what is needed is given on the reduce-algebra web site listed below.] Install latest version of Reduce from, use svn. The PSL version is more useful than the CSL version. [Added by MM To do this: 1. First download Reduce from using the svn command described in the general installation instructions, i.e. svn co reduce-algebra I have not checked if the prepackaged versions work (Jan advises that he cannot recommend the prepackaged October 2010 version: several problems of importance to Sheep/classi were fixed later.) 2. In your reduce-algebra/trunk directory run ./configure --with-psl 3. To build Reduce you should now be able to just type make The files will be in reduce-algebra/trunk/pslbuild/i686-pc-windows where i686-pc-windows will be replaced by the combination of machine and OS type configure diagnoses for your system.] Unpack Sheep and Classi files from shp062win.tar.gz available on request or at (or Go into sheep/062/psl and fix symbolic links to fit your computer, if directory sheep is placed in parallel with reduce-algebra the existing links will be OK. Edit make-bare-psl if you have different directory structure. You may also need to edit the directory names in sheep/062/psl/psl, sheep/062/psl/make-bare-psl and sheep/062/.pslrc to fit your system. (And later similarly edit .shprc and .reducerc) Run make-bare-psl. Go to 062/slsrc/psl and modify directories and DOMAINNAME in startlisp and in startreduce. Go 'make slisp'. Start slisp and check the value of SYSTYPE!* , if wrong data change in startlisp (startreduce) or in It may be a good idea to look at logfiles in 062/plog. Go to 062/shpsrc/psl and 'make sheep' and to clasrc/psl and 'make classi'. If things are OK 'make classi' and 'make rclassi' in sheep/062 should work quicker. The stensor makes do not currently work correctly, apparently due to problems in calling sparsify, but do leave correct images with the names stensor.img and rtensor.img. Rename these to pstensor.img and prtensor.img and move them to the img directory and all should work fine. To start the working versions use scripts in sheep/bin, edit e.g. classi to provide correct location of the sheep directory (if not D:/sheep). Link it to sheep, slisp, rclassi, rsheep and rslisp and place it in a directory in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin) or include sheep/bin in your PATH or start with a Windows icon. (Switches -o , -s and -n are not flexible as only Cygwin but not Windows images follow symbolic links) [Alan Barnes has reported a problem under Windows 7 (and Vista?) with the classi version but not the rclassi version. We have not seen this problem yet.] If you use provided images instead of recompiling it is possible to fix some minor problems by adding commands like (SETSYSTYPE 'DOMAIN "") in 062/sclassi.ini, ssheep.ini and sslisp.ini to fix SYSTYPE!* and MSEARCHLIS!*. For CSL the Reduce interface will not work properly yet and as redirection of standard input or output seem not to work logfiles can not be created and checked and also makefiles can be used only if you manually give some commands to CSL to load files etc. In order to test Classi with clasrc/psl/alltst you must first go into /bin/csh, this applies also to 062/mkdisttape. Report problems!