term papers in philosophy / theory of science


woodcut (anonymous, apparently first published 1888)

  • Ansaetze zur Kritik des Logischen Positivismus (Starting points for a criticism of Logical Positivism) (Aug. 1986); Proseminar "Der Wiener Kreis" (Prof. H.Poser, 1986)
  • Die "Frage nach der Wissenschaft" (The "question about science") (Aug. 1987 / Jan. 1988); Proseminar "P. Duhem, Ziel und Struktur physikalischer Theorien" (Prof. H.Poser, 1987)
  • Freges "Gedanke" und sein Konstrukt eines "dritten Reichs*" (Frege's "thought" and his construction of a "third empire*"); Proseminar "Logik 2" (Dr. F.Tasche, 1988)    *note: the above terms have no political meaning!
  • Mathematische Erkenntnis (Mathematical Knowledge) (Aug. 1989); Hauptseminar "Philosophie der Mathematik" (Prof. H. Poser, 1989)
    1. Logic is the mathematics of truth and falseness.
    2. Mathematics is the theory of structures
    3. Theory is the art of the true and the false.
    4. Art is the perception of figures through the creation of figures.
    C.F. von Weizsaecker, Zeit und Wissen, p.174 (DTV, Munich 1995 - translated from German to English)