
Here are some anagrams of the names of some people who were postgraduates in our department at the same time as I was (and a few other names as well). The people listed so far are shown below, with links to the appropriate places in the document. If you have some suggested additions then please don't let me know.

A `rainbow' divider

Mark Agar

Mark Charles Agar

Abdul Ahmed

Michelle Ashworth

John Bray

There aren't very many anagrams of my (shorter) name, so try the full version instead.

John Nicholas Bray

Kin Wah Cheng

Gary Heslop

Sebastian Thomas Hudson

Giles Keen

Giles Stanford Keen

Adam McDonald

Daniel Owen

Stephen Rogers

Stephen James Francis Rogers

Jonathan Sarkies

Stephen Stanley

Dave Timson

Sam Turner

Peter Walsh

Peter Gerard Walsh

Miles Wilson

Julian York

Julian Patrick York

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visits to this page since 16th January, 2001.
I don't really believe this counter. Anyway, it seems to reset itself without any provocation.

Last updated 18th June, 1998 - this is still essentially true.

John N. Bray