Alternating group A7

Order = 2 520 =
Mult = 6.
Out = 2.

Robert Wilson's ATLAS page for A7 is available here.

A7: Length 42, 2-generator, 5-relator.

< x, y | x3 = y5 = (xy)7 = (xy-1xy)2 = (xy-2xy2)2 = 1 >

Remark: Moore/Coxeter presentation (I think). x and y are R.A.Wilson's standard generators for A7. The presentation is available in MAGMA code here. (This applies to the subgroups below too.)

Some subgroups:

Realisation: x = (1, 2, 3) and y = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
The above permutations are available in MAGMA format here.

S7: Length 45, 2-generator, 5-relator.

< x, y | x7 = y2 = (xy)6 = [x, y]3 = [x2, y]2 = 1 >

Remark: Moore/Coxeter presentation. The presentation is available in MAGMA code here. (This applies to the subgroups below too.)

Some subgroups:

Realisation: x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and y = (1, 2).
The above permutations are available in MAGMA format here.

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Last updated 25th August, 1997
John N. Bray