John Bray’s publications


I have published joint MathSciNet-able papers with the following. The Erdös numbers of the people in this list are at least 2 and at most 4. I have joint non-paper publications with the following people, in addition to those people appearing above.


  1. MPhil (Sc, Qual): Symmetric Presentations of Finite Groups. (June 1995.)
  2. PhD: Symmetric Presentations of Sporadic Groups and Related Topics. (September 1997.)


  1. John N. Bray, Derek F. Holt and Colva M. Roney-Dougal. The maximal subgroups of the low-dimensional finite classical groups. With a foreword by Martin Liebeck. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 407. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013. xiv+438 pp. ISBN: 978-0-521-13860-4. [AMS Classification: 20G40 (20E28).]

Published Papers

  1. J.N.Bray and H.Bäärnhielm. A new method for recognising Suzuki groups. J. Algebra 493 (2018), 483–499. [AMS Classification: 20D10 (20-04).]
  2. J.N.Bray, R.A.Parker and R.A.Wilson. Finding 47:23 in the Baby Monster. LMS J. Comput. Math. 19 (2016), no. 1, 229–234. [AMS Classification: 20D08 (20B40 20E28).]
  3. J.N.Bray, M.D.E.Conder, C.R.Leedham-Green and E.A.O'Brien. Short presentations for alternating and symmetric groups. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), no. 6, 3277–3285. [AMS Classification: 20B30 (20F05).]
  4. .N.Bray and R.T.Curtis. The Leech lattice Λ and the Conway group ⋅O revisited. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), no. 3, 1351–1369. [AMS Classification: 20D08 (20F05).]
  5. J.N.Bray, D.F.Holt and C.M.Roney-Dougal. Certain classical groups are not well-defined. J. Group Theory 12 (2009), no. 2, 171–180. [AMS Classification: 20G40.]
  6. J.N.Bray and R.A.Wilson. Examples of 3-dimensional 1-cohomology for absolutely irreducible modules of finite simple groups. J. Group Theory 11 (2008), no. 5, 669–673. [AMS Classification: 20J06 (20D06).]
  7. S.W.Bolt, J.N.Bray and R.T.Curtis. Symmetric presentation of the Janko group J4. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 76 (2007), no. 3, 683–701. (Reviewer: A. S. Kondratʹev) 20D08 (20F05) [AMS Classification: 20D08 (20F05).]
  8. J.N.Bray and R.F.Bailey. Decoding the Mathieu group M12. Adv. Math. Commun. 1 (2007), no. 4, 477–487. [AMS Classification: 94B35 (20D08 94B25).]
  9. J.N.Bray and R.A.Wilson. On the orders of automorphism groups of finite groups. II. J. Group Theory 9 (2006), no. 4, 537–545. [AMS Classification: 20D45.]
  10. J.N.Bray and R.A.Wilson. Explicit representations of maximal subgroups of the Monster. J. Algebra 300 (2006), no. 2, 834–857. [AMS Classification: 20D08 (20C34 20E28).]
  11. J.N.Bray, R.T.Curtis, C.W.Parker and C.B.Wiedorn. Symmetric presentations for the Fischer groups. II. The sporadic groups. Geom. Dedicata 112 (2005), 1–23. [AMS Classification: 20D08 (20F05).]
  12. J.N.Bray and R.A.Wilson. On the orders of automorphism groups of finite groups. Bull. London Math. Soc. 37 (2005), no. 3, 381–385. Preprint 2003/22 at the University of Birmingham. [AMS Classification: 20E36 (20F28).]
  13. J.N.Bray, J.S.Wilson and R.A.Wilson. A characterization of finite soluble groups by laws in two variables. Bull. London Math. Soc. 37 (2005), no. 2, 179–186. Preprint 2003/21 at the University of Birmingham. [AMS Classification: 20D10.]
  14. J.N.Bray and R.T.Curtis. Double coset enumeration of symmetrically generated groups. J. Group Theory 7 (2004), no. 2, 167–185. [AMS Classification: 20F05 (20-04 20D08 20D60).]
  15. J.N.Bray and R.T.Curtis. Monomial modular representations and symmetric generation of the Harada–Norton group. J. Algebra 268 (2003), no. 2, 723–743. [AMS Classification: 20C34 (20D08).]
  16. J.N.Bray, R.T.Curtis, C.W.Parker and C.B.Wiedorn. Symmetric presentations of the Fischer groups I: The classical groups Sp6(2), Sp8(2), and 3.O7(3). J. Algebra 265 (2003), no. 1, 171–199. [AMS Classification: 20D06 (20F05).]
  17. J.N.Bray, I.A.I.Suleiman, P.G.Walsh and R.A.Wilson. Generating maximal subgroups of sporadic simple groups. Comm. Algebra 29 (2001), no. 3, 1325–1337. [AMS Classification: 20D08.]
  18. J.N.Bray, C.W.Parker and P.J.Rowley. Cayley type graphs and cubic graphs of large girth. Discrete Math. 214 (2000), no. 1–3, 113–121. [AMS Classification: 05C25.]
  19. J.N.Bray. An improved method for generating the centraliser of an involution. Arch. Math. (Basel) 74 (2000), no. 4, 241–245. [AMS Classification: 20F05 (20D06).]
  20. J.N.Bray and R.T.Curtis. A systematic approach to symmetric presentations. II: Generators of order 3. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 128 (2000), no. 1, 1–20. [AMS Classification: 20F05.]
  21. R.T.Curtis, A.M.A.Hammas and J.N.Bray. A systematic approach to symmetric presentations. I: Involutory generators. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 119 (1996), no. 1, 23–34. [AMS Classification: 20F05.]

Web Atlases

  1. R.A.Wilson, S.J.Nickerson, J.N.Bray, et al. A www-ATLAS of Finite Group Representations. (The link is to version 2.)
  2. J.N.Bray. An ATLAS of [Symmetric] Group Presentations.

GAP Share Package

  1. R.A.Wilson, R.A.Parker, J.N.Bray and T.Breuer. AtlasRep GAP4 share package.

Work in Preparation, and Other Miscellaneous

  1. My publications via MathSciNet (Bielefeld) - that is if it works.


My research is mainly in the area of finite groups, especially computational aspects, with forays into other areas. See my research page for more details.

MRC This page is (not) maintained by John Bray. The views and opinions expressed in these pages are mine. The contents of these pages have not been reviewed or approved by Queen Mary, University of London.

Last updated: 23rd November 2018.