London Algebra Colloquium abstract

Generalization of the word problem and products of lamplighters

Lukasz Grabowski (Imperial), 2nd June 2011


In the talk I will introduce the following generalization of the word problem for groups, which I will call the zero-divisor problem. Given a finitely presented group G and an element T from the integral group ring ZG, given in terms of the generators of G, decide whether T is a zero-divisor or not. I’ll describe two results. First, an observation that decidable word problem together with soficity and the Atiyah conjecture implies decidability of the zero-divisor problem. Second, I will show that there exist groups with decidable word problem but undecidable zero-divisor problem. As examples one can take products of the standard lamplighter group. The main tool is going to be “embedding a Turing machine into a group ring”, which is described in more detail in my PhD thesis.