Dr. Juan A. Valiente Kroon

Reader in Applied Mathematics

In a nutshell
I am a Reader in Applied Mathematics and former EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2005-2010) in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary, University of London. I am head of the Geometry & Analysis group.


Address:     School of Mathematical Sciences

                    Queen Mary, University of London

                    Mile End Road

                    London E1 4NS

Office:         Maths G56

Telephone:   +44 (0) 20 7882 5493

Email:     j.a.valiente-kroon AT qmul DOT ac DOT uk                        

During the academic year 2016-2017 I am head of the Geometry & Analysis group.
Mathematical General Relativity
I am interested in a wide range of topics including asymptotics of the gravitational field, global properties of spacetime,  conformal methods,  nonlinear stability of solutions to the Einstein field equations, invariant characterisations of spacetimes and their initial data sets, numerical construction of initial data sets and global numerical evaluations of black hole spacetimes.
Computer-based General Relativity
I am interested in the implementation of  computer algebra-based numerical simulations of spacetimes with special emphasis to the evaluation of their global structure.
Transformation optics and electromagnetics
I am interested in the design of cloaking and illusion devices for arbitrary surfaces.

 Further details:
 More details of my research interests can be found here.
 You can find a link to my up to date list of publications here.
 Details of the funding of present and past projects can be found here.
 More information about my collaborators and students present and past can be found here. Research.htmlPublications.htmlFunding.htmlCollaborators.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3
Every academic year I teach Relativity related courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level as well as a service courses.

More about the modules I teach can be found here.Teaching.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0
My book on Conformal Methods in General Relativity appeared on the 21st July 2016: