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Conferences and Seminars Organization




PODE 2015 Tenth Workshop on Population Optimum Design of Experiments

6-10 July 2015, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK

Design and Analysis of Experiments in Healthcare - Workshop

6-10 July 2015, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge


PODE 2013 Eighth Workshop on Population Optimum Design of Experiments

15 June 2013, Lilly UK

Design and Analysis of Experiments - Isaac Newton Institute Programme

18 July - 21 December 2011, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Workshop on Optimum Design for Mixed Effects Non-linear and Generalized Linear Models

9 - 12 August 2011, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Slide show

Design of Experiments - Issac Newton Institute Programme

21 July - 15 August 2008, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge


PODE 2007 Second Workshop on Population Optimum Design of Experiments

4th of May, 2007, Pfizer, Sandwich, UK

PODE 2006 Workshop on Population Optimum Design of Experiments

15th of May, 2006, Queen Mary, University of London

QMW Statistics Seminar: Design of Experiments

Thursdays, 16.30, Mathematics Building, seminar room 103

(1997 - 2004)

Optimum Experimental Design, Prospects for the New Millennium. Workshop.

12-14 April 2000, Cardiff, UK


London Statistics Seminar

28 May and 11 June 1998, London, UK

Polish Conference on Mathematical Statistics.

4-9 December 1995, Wisla, Poland.

International Conference on Linear Statistical Inference - LINSTAT'93

31 May - 4 June 1993, Poznan, Poland.


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