List of publications:

  1. Loopy Levy flights enhance tracer diffusion in active suspensions, K. Kanazawa, T. G. Sano, A. Cairoli, and A. Baule
    Nature 579, 364 (2020)

  2. Optimal Random Deposition of Interacting Particles, A. Baule
    Physical Review Letters 122, 130602 (2019)

  3. Weak Galilean invariance as a selection principle for coarse-grained diffusive models, A. Cairoli, R. Klages, and A. Baule
    Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 5714 (2018)

  4. Edwards statistical mechanics for jammed granular matter, A. Baule, F. Morone, H. Herrmann, and H. A. Makse
    Reviews of Modern Physics 90, 015006 (2018)

  5. Shape universality classes in the random sequential adsorption of non-spherical particles, A. Baule
    Physical Review Letters 119, 028003 (2017)

  6. Feynman-Kac equation for anomalous processes with space- and time-dependent forces, A. Cairoli and A. Baule
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 164002 (2017)
    Invited contribution to the J. Phys. A special issue: emerging talents

  7. Gaussian white noise as a resource for microscopic engines, A. Dechant, A. Baule, and S. Sasa
    Phys. Rev. E 95, 032132 (2017)

  8. Interplay between consensus and coherence in a model of interacting opinions, F. Battiston, A. Cairoli, V. Nicosia, A. Baule, and V. Latora
    Physica D 323-324, 12 (2016)

  9. Anomalous Processes with General Waiting Times: Functionals and Multi-Point StructureA. Cairoli and A. Baule
    Physical Review Letters 115, 110601 (2015)

  10. Adhesive loose packings of small dry particles, W. Liu, S. Li, A. Baule, and H. A. Makse
    Soft Matter 11, 6492 (2015)

  11. Langevin formulation of a subdiffusive continuous-time random walk in physical time, A. Cairoli and A. Baule
    Physical Review E 92, 012102 (2015)

  12. Fundamental challenges in packing problems: from spherical to non-spherical particles, A. Baule and H. A. Makse
    Soft Matter 10, 4423 (2014). Highlight article & journal cover.

  13. Calculation of the Voronoi boundary for lens-shaped particles and spherocylinders, L. Portal, M. Danisch, A. Baule, R. Mari, and H. A. Makse
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P11009 (2013)

  14. Weak-noise limit of a piecewise-smooth stochastic differential equation, Y. Chen, A. Baule, H. Touchette, and W. Just
    Physical Review E 88, 052103 (2013)

  15. Mean-field theory of random close packings of axisymmetric particles, A. Baule, R. Mari, L. Bo, L. Portal, and H. A. Makse
    Nature Communications 4, 2194 (2013)

  16. Rectification of asymmetric surface vibrations with dry friction: An exactly solvable model, A. Baule and P. Sollich
    Physical Review E 87, 032112 (2013)

  17. Singular features in noise-induced transport with dry friction, A. Baule and P. Sollich
    EPL 97, 20001 (2012)

  18. Stick-Slip motion of solids with dry friction subject to random vibrations and an external field, A. Baule, H. Touchette, and E. G. D. Cohen
    Nonlinearity 24, 351 (2011)

  19. Statistical mechanics far from equilibrium: prediction and test for a sheared system, R. M. L. Evans, R. A. Simha, A. Baule, and P. D. Olmsted
    Physical Review E 81, 051109 (2010)

  20. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of shear flow: invariant quantities and current relations, A. Baule and R. M. L. Evans
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P03030 (2010)

  21. A path integral approach to random motion with nonlinear friction, A. Baule, E. G. D. Cohen, and H. Touchette
    Journal of Physics A 43, 025003 (2010)

  22. Steady-state work fluctuations of a dragged particle under external and thermal noise, A. Baule and E. G. D. Cohen
    Physical Review E 80, 011110 (2009)

  23. Fluctuation properties of an effective nonlinear system subject to Poisson noise, A. Baule and E. G. D. Cohen
    Physical Review E 79, 030103(R) (2009)

  24. Invariant quantities in shear flow, A. Baule and R. M. L. Evans
    Physical Review Letters 101 240601 (2008)

  25. Exact solution of a Brownian inchworm model for self-propulsion, A. Baule, K. Vijay Kumar, and S. Ramaswamy
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics P11008 (2008)

  26. Properties of a nonequilibrium heat bath, Aditi Simha, R. M. L. Evans, and A. Baule
    Physical Review E 77, 031117 (2008)

  27. Two-point correlation function of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
    Europhysics Letters 79, 60004 (2007)

  28. A fractional diffusion equation for two-point probability distributions of a continuous-time random walk, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
    Europhysics Letters 77, 10002 (2007)

  29. Validation of the Jarzynski relation for a system with strong thermal coupling: An isothermal ideal gas model, A. Baule, R. M. L. Evans, and P. D. Olmsted
    Physical Review E 74, 061117 (2006)

  30. Exact solution of a generalized Kramers-Fokker-Planck equation retaining retardation effects, R. Friedrich, F. Jenko, A. Baule, and S. Eule
    Physical Review E 74, 041103 (2006)

  31. Anomalous Diffusion of Inertial, Weakly Damped Particles, R. Friedrich, F. Jenko, A. Baule, and S. Eule
    Physical Review Letters 96, 230601 (2006)

  32. Investigation of a generalized Obukhov model for turbulence, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
    Physics Letters A 350, 167 (2006)

  33. Joint probability distributions for a class of non-Markovian processes, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
    Physical Review E 71, 026101 (2005)

  34. Lagrangian Particle Statistics in Turbulence, R. Friedrich and A. Baule
    Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 5, 342 (2002)

Book chapters


  • Exact relations in driven stochastic systems. PhD thesis, University of Leeds (2008). Thesis advisor: R. M. L. Evans.
  • Non-Markovian models for the Lagrangian particle statistics of turbulent flows. Diplom thesis (in German), University of Münster (2004). Thesis advisor: R. Friedrich.