Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Projects

The new PhD project referred to below was offered as part of the School's annual PhD studentship allocation round. It is still available, however, at the moment I have no funding for it.
The PhD project is about Active anomalous stochastic search; please see here for a detailed project description.
The project is advertised as part of our School's new PhD studentship allocation round for a start in 2020. Meaning you can apply for full funding via a PhD studentship offered by our School / the College. The studentships will be awarded on a competitive basis. Full information about the PhD studentship allocation round can be found here.
Please contact me if you are planning to apply!

*** PLEASE NOTE: The following list of projects is outdated, but it will give you a flavour of what kind of topics I can offer. I will update this list very soon. ***

I am offering Ph.D. or postdoctoral projects in the range of the following research themes:

projects that are more on the numerical side (i.e., based on computer simulations):
projects that require an analytical access road:
projects about experimental data analysis and stochastic modeling:
I will be happy to discuss more details of these projects with you upon request.

last update: July 2013